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Brandbukampen paragliding spot


Innlandet - Gran - Brandbu
(Data fra flightlog.org - statistikk siste flyture)

Minimum certification: PP2/SP2
Max altitude (TMA): 1067 m.a.s.l.
Take off altitude: 460 m.a.s.l. (290 m top-to-bottom).
Orientation: SSW-W
Note: North-westerly winds may cause turbulence. To avoid unreasonable burden to local residents PP2 pilots should have an assistant at take-off in case of tree landings.
Parking: Parking for paraglider-pilots ONLY! Leave a note in your car with "Paraglider" on it. Don't block the road with parked cars.
Road toll: Pay the road toll at each passage: 50 NOK with Vipps to 913 36 060. The combination for the lock at the barrier is 10446.
Unpacking: Please unpack your glider along the small road to avoid obstructing other pilots at take-off.
Airspace boxes: None above take off (see map).
Radio frequency HP/NLF: 154.175 MHz

Landing: During the growing season landings are limited to the designated area (see photo below).
Note: Trees along the road creates turbulence in high winds. Keep distance. South-easterly winds may cause turbulence over the landing field. Tree landings are often observed by the local residents. If no assistance is required please cancel emergency services immediately.
Parking: Park the cars according to the landowner signs.
Driving: Please drive very slowly across the farmyard.
The road is closed in the winter season.
Packing: Leave the landing field quickly. Pack your glider in front of the barn.

For more information about this flying site please contact Terje Nilsen on teni@9tek.no or 95975698.

460 meters asl Høydeforskjell 300 meters

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Bilde fra flightlog.org.

Værvarsel fra yr.no

 23:00  00:00  01:00  02:00  03:00  04:00  05:00  06:00  07:00  08:00  09:00  10:00  11:00  12:00  13:00  14:00  15:00  16:00  17:00  18:00 



















Live værdata OPK Brandbukampen 110 meter unna.

 23:40  23:30  23:20  23:10  23:00  22:50  22:40  22:30  22:20  22:10  22:00  21:50  21:40  21:30  21:20  21:10  21:00  20:00  19:00  18:00  17:00  16:00  15:00  14:00 

























Live værdata GRAN 10.5 km unna.

 23:00  22:00  21:00  20:00  19:00  18:00  17:00  16:00  15:00  14:00 
max 22.22.332.45.83.665.42.9

Webkamera Brandbu 6.8 km unna. (www.hadelandsnett.no)